Video - Performance (8 mins duration)

Shown at The Crawford Gallery, Cork, Bodyworks exhibition (2023), Purchased by IMMA for their permanent collection (2021), A Liz Roche Dance Company commission as part of Alternately Terrific & Gentle (2020)

Shot in the Arima River in Trinidad & Tobago, Arima is an audio-visual meditation on the relationship between love & the rain, remembering & haunting, thirst & yearning, release & liberation. Made in response to a love letter between Merce Cunningham and John cage where he describes the rain as “alternately terrific & gentle”.


Composed & Performed by Maïa // Cinematography - Gesiye Souza-Opkofabri // Styling - Malia Gueye Bennett Henry // Location - Tracy Assing // Editor - José Miguel // Sound Mix - Rory White

Photography by Jed Niezgoda, courtesy of Crawford Art Gallery