transformative voice medicine


Pupa was created in 2023 to provide a home for my healing gifts and services.

The word Pupa describes the phase in the metamorphic process of the butterfly when the caterpillar has entirely dissolved itself within the chrysalis. A midway point in the process of rebirthing oneself.

Pupa is the practical application of my vocal skillset to alchemize some of the more difficult and dense material that I work with and through in my artistic practice such as intergenerational trauma, colonisation, disconnection and identity crises.

Pupa allows me to harness the knowledge cultivated through my artistic practice and fortified by my Sound Healing qualification to support and serve my community.

As a sound healer I channel the healing power of my voice to offer sound as a medicine that can target physical pain, remove energetic blockages and encourage emotional release to create more balance, wholeness and harmony in my clients.

My intention is to expand Pupa in tandem with the growth of my healing capacities which are currently expanding to embrace embodied movement practices, vocal coaching, Evolutionary Astrology & Tarot.


my sound healing journey


I am an artist and sound healer who has been working with the transformational powers of the voice for many years; exploring incantation and prayer, spoken word poetry, storytelling, singing and improvisational sounding through my artistic practice.

My performance art was initially born from an impulse to know and integrate my own mixed ancestral heritage. This led me to start searching for ways to heal intergenerational wounds and liberate the self.

My mentor Simone Niles (vocal coach & sound healer) and I had already been working together for some years when she began teaching the “Sound Healing with the Voice” training program with the College of Sound Healing, London.

It felt like a natural and aligned step for me to train and qualify as a Sound Healer under her trusted guidance.


integrative process


The best healers and therapists I know all draw on a range of skills that they have studied and developed mastery in over time.

I know that in my own healing journey I want to be guided by healing practitioners who are highly attuned and able to respond to me  with skill and dexterity at any given moment.

Having a wide range of therapeutic tools to draw on expands this capacity in the healer and/or therapist. Integrative healing work (where multiple modalities are woven into any given session as needed) is an exciting, effective and holistic way of navigating deep soul level healing journeys.

Integrative therapeutic work is agile, taking different approaches to the client as needed, speaking to different the levels of consciousness and layers of being in the client often simultaneously.  

My artistic practice is already deeply integrative, drawing on many different media and approaches as needed. I am committed to developing a healing practice with a similarly expansive approach.

The following are the trainings, tools and approaches I have in my own medicine cabinet to draw on thus far : 


Certified practitioner with the College of Sound Healing, London.


Diviner; Evolutionary Astrology with teacher and guide Sabrina Monarch.


Thresholds; a decolonial tarot course taught by Christopher Marmolejo.