Audio-Textile Installation (20 minute audio loop)

Themes; Sea as history, the Bermuda Triangle as a spiritual vortex, intergenerational curses. Audio; 20 minute loop duration including original composition & sound design, archival audio sampling & an interview with the artist’s aunt Diane Bertrand. Textile; 20 yards of indigo silk hand dyed by the artist, faggot stitched, hung with nylon & set gently rippling using fans.

Speech Sounds, VISUAL Carlow (June - August 2022), Silver-Tongued Seas, Jupiter Woods Gallery, London (2021)


Supported by Gaby Fernandes Tobago Library Services, Granderson Lab Trinidad & Tobago, VISUAL Carlow, Liquid, Arts Council Ireland. Special Thanks to curator Iarlaith Ní Fheorais.Photography by Ros Kavanagh Courtesy of VISUAL Carlow