open perspectives on embodied composition


The term Outside Eye is generally used in a live performance context to describe someone who is invited to witness a work and offer an outside perspective in a more casual form of dramaturgy. As an interdisciplinary performance artist working across and weaving together diverse fields of practice I have been crafting a unique Outside Eye practice; a holistic artistic support role that draws on my broad set of creative skillsets and resources to nurture an artist and their project through the process of development to the moment of performance. I am interesting in supporting artists and performers to get free with their creative process and to do so from a grounded and well resourced place within themselves.

My Outside Eye role is designed to be flexible and responsive to the particular nature of an artist and can offer a wide range of supports such as:

  • A deep dive into the practices and processes that underpin a performance practice.

  • Building a warmup and daily practice that will feed a project.

  • Tuning the bodily instrument - how to clear creative pathways so that the work can flow through the perfomer.

  • Developing practices that can expand personal capacity to hold and birth a new work.

  • Building a performance structure / drafting a performance score.

  • Integrating various creative disciplines into a single performance offering.

  • Tending to the transitions; strategies for crafting the in-between spaces in a performance offering.

  • Shaping the container that creative expression can flow into.

  • Postures for approaching the live moment.

  • Identifying the external support and inner resourcing needed to give the best performance.

  • The refinement process; encouraging the artist to identify and let go of aspects of the work that they may have grown attached to, but perhaps no longer serve the overall vision.

  • Tools for performer embodiment, presence, agency and freedom.

In my embodiment of Outside Eye I will endeavour to be as present and sensitive with the work as possible so as to respond in the most nourishing and supportive way. It is my prayer that through sustained presence, open awareness and a soft gaze that the outside eye can offer a renewed clarity of perspective to the artist. As Outside Eye I will engage my criticality as well as my broad base of first hand performance expertise in order to witness a performance at various stages of development and hold the vulnerability of artistry whilst offering tools and support along the way. If the artistic process is a birthing process, then my Outside Eye work is performance doula work.

Currently offering Outside Eye support to a selection of programmed 2024 Dublin Fringe Festival artists.

Email maianunesstudio@gmail.com to set up a free consultation call.