Elixir is a three month sacred sound healing journey consisting of 12 x 1 hour online private sessions with me; Maïa.

I created Elixir because although I recognise the benefits and the appeal of once-off healing sessions they do not allow time for a deeper therapeutic process to unfold.

Deep soul level healing takes time and particularly with sound healing -which works with subtle spiritual energies as well as the more tangible and physical- it is known to have a cumulative effect.

I was called to create Elixir for those of you who wish to work with me in a more committed and deep way because I have a desire to work with more clients in a deeper, longer term capacity. This is why I have made Elixir more cost-effective, offering sessions at a reduced rate of €180 per month.

Email info.pupahz@gmail.com to book Elixir.


Sound is an ancient and sacred medicine path with many therapeutic benefits including:

  • Raising your vibration.

  • Soothing and regulating your nervous system.

  • Tuning you to the frequency of your highest self.

  • Bringing you into deeper alignment with your divine purpose.

  • Increasing your sense of embodiment.

  • Clearing blocks in your ancestral lineage (sound healing works in the blood and bones & therefore reverberates in the bloodlines).

  • Clearing and releasing stagnant or stuck physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional energy.

  • Sound Healing can be used to treat physical pain.

  • Bringing your entire system into balance and harmony.

  • Chakra balancing and alignment.

  • Awakening and cultivating a greater sense of wholeness & belonging.


“Working with Maïa was my first experience of sound healing, so I was surprised and delighted by its impact. Maïa’s calm and attentive presence belied the directness and surety with which she responded to all that was going on in my heart and body - I left every session feeling restored and deeply attended to.”


“Maïa’s sessions brought me to a place within myself that I never expected to go. The work they do is truly powerful, I feel closer to myself than before and I know I’m just getting started. Can’t wait to continue this journey together.”


“Maïa is a gifted sound healer. I felt listened to, held and supported from the beginning to the end of the sessions. Maïa gently and lovingly brought light to the parts of myself that really needed attention - allowing me to let go of old stories I was holding onto, encouraging me to grow in ways that I will always be grateful for.”



I am all about integration, and in my capacity as healer I always endeavour to bring my full range of my tools and techniques to any given session.

Should you choose to accept the invitation of Elixir I will put these at your service, including and intuitively incorporating them into our sound healing sessions where appropriate and as guided. This may include : tarot, guided meditation, astrology (we can work with your birth chart during our sessions if it feels useful), energy medicine tools ( clearing, protection & grounding techniques and skills), embodiment exercises etc.


I am an Irish-Trinidadian professional artist, certified sound healer and trained vocalist.

I was intuitively using sound healing in my artistic practice long before I ever trained as a sound healer, working with the power of intention, frequency and sound to address themes of colonisation and inter-generational trauma in my performance artworks.

When my long term singing teacher and mentor Simone Niles began running a sound healing practitioners training it was a natural next step for me to train and qualify under her as a Sound Therapist.

Since qualifying in Sound Healing with the Voice at the College of Sound Healing, London I have been seeing 1:1 clients and running group sound baths, with a mission to use the healing power of my voice to serve and bring healing to others.